All Fisch Script

List of All Latest 🦈 Fisch Scripts

All Roblox Fisch Scripts (2025)

To make things easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of scripts that are still functional and can be used to exploit Fisch effectively.

1. Speed Hub Script

loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()

2. Lunor Hub


3. Native Script

(loadstring or load)(game:HttpGet(""))()

4. Banana Hub Script

repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() and game.Players.LocalPlayer
getgenv().Key = "PASTE_KEY_HERE"
-- Get Key :

5. MOONX Script


6. Mean Hub Script


7. Goomba Hub


8. Bonk Hub


9. Ronix Hub


10. Switch Hub


Fisch Screenshot

How to Run Roblox Fisch Script (2025)

Follow these simple steps to run the Fisch script on Roblox:

Step 1: Download a Roblox Executor

  • Android: Delta, Fluxus, and Hydrogen Executor.
  • iOS: Appleware, Delta, Codex, or Arceus X Neo.
  • PC: Wave and Xeno Executor.

Make sure to download only the latest version to avoid any potential issues.

Step 2: Install the Executor

  • Download the executor .exe or .apk file directly from the official website (
  • Follow the simple installation steps.

Step 3: Run the Script

  • Open the installed executor and log in to your Roblox account.
  • Search for the Fisch game and start playing.
  • Paste the copied Fisch script into the empty field and click the ‘Execute’ button.

Step 3: Activate Script Features

  • Once the script is executed and running, enable the features you want to use, such as auto farm, to improve the gameplay.

That’s all for successfully installing an executor and running a script.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, You don’t need to download any files to use a Fisch script. Simply copy one of the scripts provided above and run it directly.

No, the script works the same on both mobile and PC. the only difference is the executor used on the mobile device.

Yes, many scripts can be used without requiring a key. However, some scripts may require you to obtain a key before they can be executed.

Our website offers a range of Fisch Auto Farming scripts that you can easily copy and use.