Fisch – All Emote Commands & How to Emote

Catching fish by standing in the same spot and doing the same thing repeatedly can get boring. However, Roblox Fish is an awesome game where you can do much more, like interacting with other players to trade items and gifts or using funny emote animations

Emotes let you talk to players in a fun way, not just through text chat. Some emotes have funny animations that make the game even more enjoyable.

This guide will share a list of commands you can use to perform emotes in the Fisch game.

All Fisch Emote Commands List (2025)

Here are the all available commands list for Roblox Fisch which you can use as commands:

Free Fisch Emote Commands

These emotes can be used by anyone.

  • /e Cheer
  • /e Bow
  • /e Ballin
  • /e Laugh
  • /e Wave
  • /e Sit (/e sit1, /e sit2, /e sit3,… /e sit10)
  • /e Facepalm
  • /e Love
  • /e Crossed
  • /e dance (/e dance2, /e dance3)
  • /e No
  • /e Showcase (/e Showcase1, /e Showcase, /e Showcase2, /e Showcase3, /e Showcase4)
  • /e Point
  • /e Crown
  • /e Yes
  • /e Handstand
  • /e Flex
  • /e Lean
  • /e Pumpkin
  • /e Clap
  • /e Pray
  • /e Sleep

Gamepass Fisch Emotes

These are the emotes which require you to have access to the gamepass.

  • /e Snow 
  • /e Line
  • /e Floss 
  • /e Monkey
  • /e Caramell
  • /e Billy
  • /e Grind
  • /e Mystery
  • /e Shuffle
  • /e Fresh
  • /e Pushups
  • /e Rain

That’s how you can use Fisch emotes and a complete list of emotes which you can use.

How to Emote in Fisch

Unlike other Roblox games, using emotes in Fisch is quite different. The game does not provide a tutorial on how to emote or where to access them.

Additionally, there is no option in the game menu or HUD to perform emotes.

To perform an emote, you need to use the default chat. To make it easier for you, we have provided step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Open the chat box to see all chats.

Step 2: Type /e in the chat box.

Step 3: Pick any emote command from this page, and type it after /e

Step 4: Press enter, and your character will do the emote animation.

That’t how you can emote in Roblox Fisch.